Tuesday, 27 March 2018

A new song - How Do You Play Your Ukulele

Mmmmmm ....

Writing songs, thats's what it was all about when I started this blog. I seem to have gone around in circles ever since. But I have been writing poetry, and some of my readers may say, "well isn't that like writing a song?"

In a way yes, would be my answer. For me though poetry opens up a whole world of subjects that I would never contemplate writing a song about. I could not be pedantic about what I really mean but let me give you an example. The first poem I wrote was a failed song. I wrote the lyrics to "The Wind" just after Hurricane Katrina swamped New Orleans. It should have been a song but somehow it didn't work. So I called it a poem because I did like it, and still do.

Today, I finished off a song lyric which has been bouncing around in my head for (probably) months. I had written bits of it on scraps of paper which were in danger of getting lost. Something, sparked me off on a quest and I decided to get these down onto a more permanent footing and complete it. I even came up with a chord sequence for the song and started to put a tune to it. That still needs completing but I will try to record it on the PC and post to here asap. I must admit I am pretty pleased with it. And for those who want to see it, I include the whole lyric here. It is written Verse/chorus repeated three times. An unusual construct for me and one which I tend to think of as folksy. But I can think of many main stream popular songs which have this structure.

How Do You Play Your Ukulele

There's a singer that I follow in my town
I catch his act, when ever he's around
In pubs and clubs on stages
where ever he appears
He will always draw a crowd
Its not his voice they want to hear

How do you play, your ukulele
How do you make it sound so sweet
Of all the things I've ever learned
Nothing takes me close
To recreating what I hear
That sound I love the most

There's this little lady that I know
Feels the way I feel about your show
She says the way you play your uke
Sends shivers up her spine
Now I would like to make
That little lady mine. so tell me

How do you play, your ukulele
How do you make it sound so sweet
Of all the things I've ever learned
Nothing takes me close
To recreating what I hear
That sound I love the most

These guys and I have formed a little band
To make our name we need a helping hand
If only I could play
The uke just like you do
We could bring a little joy
And spread a little voo-oo-do

How do you play, your ukulele
How do you make it sound so sweet
Of all the things I've ever learned
Nothing takes me close
To recreating what I hear
That sound I love the most

well there it is, maybe there is a little folksy touch to it and that is why it took me so long to write? Just goes to show, always make a note of your thoughts and ideas. And never throw out those old ideas no matter how long they have been lying around.

I will be back with the recording soon I hope. 

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