Tuesday, 19 March 2019

A New, Original Song

I have said many times that this blog was about songwriting; and mainly about my attempts at that. I have filled in with music videos of some of my fave artists and their songs as over the past (too many months and years to contemplate) my own songs have dried up.

I guess that I found more opportunity and expression in writing poetry rather than lyrics. In my poetry blog I have tried to explain this to my own satisfaction by suggesting that it was due to my usually writing songs by starting with a chord riff or two and adding melody to match using words / lyrics as placeholders. with this in mind I tried to write lyrics first but often forgot the melodies after a very short time. Even if I had had a clear worked out idea in my head.

Usually this was because I was not backing up those ideas with the chord riffs (giving them an existence?), maybe I was away from home or just not being thorough?

I have tried recording a few of the latest song ideas very shortly after they have appeared in my head. I have been sitting in front of my PC with a ukulele on my lap and using the built in webcam. It doesn't make for a very good video, technically or in performance terms, however I do then have this to fall back on when I find time to suit down to work on completing / editing the song. This has saved much scrap paper  with unused ideas being cast aside.

As an example I am posting here a video of one of these half-formed ideas; the lyrics need final editing, I am playing a backing which I am making up as I go along to harmonise with a melody which is changing from verse to verse. BUT it does hold the germ of what I think is a good idea. Hopefully I can take this to a decent conclusion which I will post at some future date.

I tried to post the video (quite humorous in a crappy sort of way) but Blogger does not seem to enable the posting of videos (?) and I did not feel able to post it on You Tube until polished a little. Watch this space.

In the meantime you can check out the new lyric on my poetry blog - cheers!

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