I have for sometime been considering if a blog is the right way to proceed with what I had intended for this aspect of my on-line writing.
In the beginning, it was to be about my songwriting and songs, perhaps with a nod towards my other interests in music. As it turns out it has become more of a reminiscence of the groups I loved when I was growing up, especially The Shadows of course.
As it has become clear that I now think in terms of poetry and other forms of creative writing rather than lyric/songwriting, I think the time is right to think about a static web-site to cover the early part of my life and my musical interests. This will not I think change dramatically in the near future, so it seems more appropriate than a blog. I have today published such a website, which will allow me to develop this blog as a way of remembering the sixties music which I remember with more than a little fondness.
You can see the new web-site now. Although it will expand a little as I record more of my older material (and perhaps even new material) or change as I make better recordings than I have available at present, It will stay essentially as a record of where I am now.
As for the songwriting, there are two articles on Squidoo which contain the essential information that I have to offer. There are many more song-writing blogs which can be accessed which are kept up to date in a way which I now find difficult. The two articles are:-
I hope you will find these article useful sources of information.
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