Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Four Useful Ukelele Strums

So here we are again talking Ukele's.

I seem to have hit a hiatus with my learning to play this fine instrument, but then I have not had a great deal of time for music or anything else. Where does the time go? But one thing I have noticed is that I am using strumming patterns and finger picking almmost as if I was playing my guitar. I have not put much emphasis on this aspect. I have been learning chord shapes and practicing different positions and changing from one shape to another but ba d me, not giving much though to those patterns.

Of course most strum patterns will work for any instrument, I guess, but I still feel that I need to get down to the nitty-gritty here and have started looking for ways of taking this forward. Now I am not very good at counting. When I play I feel a beat and let myself get lost in it. So how do I learn new patterns. The easiest way is via Youtube of course! This is one which very simply and succinctly shows four simple 4/4 patterns. You just play along.

I will be looking at some of the stuff I have been posting on YouTube and SoundCloud to see if I can get it to sound better with a more strict pattern. Maybe not but if I ever want to play with another uke player we might well need to agree on what we are going to play.

In the meantime, check out my uke tracks on SoundCloud vis my previous post.

Thanks for visiting see y'all soon!

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